Iraq E Gate



Social Media Training

Social Media take every day big part of our life’s and that will increase more and more, with this training you will learn how use the Social media as an Expert for your benefit and to expand you Organization reach ,earnings and goals achievements.


CMS (Content Management System)

The era of designing websites from scratches with many hard to learn and money and time consuming software has reach its end, now is the time of Content Management Systems (CMS) that will create and take part of your electronic presents with the minimum effort and time consumption.


GIS (Geographic Information System)

It’s the era of information no doubt and the technology has reach state where everything in the real word is linked to the Cyber world, so if you want to learn how to do this with the minimum budget required, iraqegate can help you do that with open source software.

For more information on the training please contact us at ( or through our Contact Us Page.